


  • helping a player/team find the ‘missing link’ to breaking through on the ATP/WTA Tour and at a Grand Slam
  • strategic advice during matches, especially now that coaching is allowed, which was a game changer
  • setting up doubles teams to maximise their strengths, eliminate their weaknesses, and remove the major weapon of their opponents  Note: Paul believes over 50% of the likelihood of success in any given doubles match is as a result of the setup, before a single point is played
  • development of clay court skills, which are transferable to every surface, whilst the converse is not true



  • Diagnostics with the scientifically verified Energy Leadership IndexTM (ELI) assessment pre mental work to focus on the areas for improvement. This is a holistic approach addressing core energy (in essence the cause, not the effect/behaviour). By addressing the core (mental/energetic patterns) we create sustainability of behaviour to serve players long term success.
  • Helping players optimise their performance factor pre tournaments – proactive strategic approach for optimal performance via the SCOPE (Specific Current Operational Profile of Energy) assessment.
  • Working on the 7th Level Athlete mental coaching program, where a new holistic philosophy is practiced via 10 CORE disciplines